Monday 29 July 2013

5 Strategies for Growing B2B Marketing

If you are a manufacturer or a wholesaler, you are already into B2B marketing for sure. It is rare for manufacturers to sell all their produce through their own retail outlets. In fact, manufacturers don’t like the very idea of retailing. It is usually a drain on their resources and conflict of interest ensues with retailers or wholesalers in terms of price and discounts offered. B2B marketing is a lot different from retailing and requires vastly different strategies to achieve sales turnover.

Here are some strategies that B2B marketers can emulate for improving their bottom line sales through B2B marketing . They are time tested and have proved their worth over a period of time.

Strategy # 1

Work with a New Framework – The usual way to deal in a B2B environment is to discuss prices, profit margins, timely delivery, incentives and the long-term benefits for the wholesaler or retailer. Do keep to this old style of marketing, but see that you concentrate on educating the wholesaler or retailer on how they can leverage your company experience, customer feedback and the financial information you have, and the solutions you can offer to them.

Strategy #2

Create More Opportunities to Interact – In the world of B2B marketing, keeping in touch with your wholesaler or retailer is paramount to improving sales figures. You need to constantly educate them on what your research department is discovering and how they can put the findings for improving the distribution system. Lack of day-to-day contact ultimately results in lower sales. The more opportunity you create to bring your wholesaler or retailer to your place, the better it is for your business.

Strategy # 3

Put yourself in their Position – Sales figures, saving on transportation and lowering expenses on commissions and margin may be your idea of improving profits for your manufacturing business, but for the wholesaler or retailer in B2B marketing relationship these are not their concern. Think about their needs and come out with a solution that will address their issues. They would like to hear about what you are doing in terms of advertising and promoting your products and services in tune with modern trends. You should also tell them more about your plans for promoting products using modern tools like social media networks for example.

Strategy # 4

Provide Training to Wholesalers & Retailers – Sometimes the reason for poor performance may not be the product or service itself in B2B marketing. Most often the malady may be poor product awareness of the wholesaler or the retailer. To combat issues like these organize workshops on a regular basis by inviting them to your manufacturing facilities and training their marketing personnel and salesmen. The better they are informed about your products, the greater enthusiasm they will show in pushing your products. You should remember that your wholesaler or retailer is not dealing only for you. You have competition here too, and you should prove how you are different.

Strategy # 5

Work With the Wholesaler & Retailer – The best feedback's are the ones that come from the end-users. So when you do market research take the wholesaler and retailers on board in confidence and associate them in doing research. The idea is you will be able to provide them with the much need insight very early in your relationship. It will help you grow B2B marketing relationship with wholesalers and retailers. For example, collaborating with Heritage Retail, one of the largest supermarket chains in South India with 70 stores spread across Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai. Their supermarkets have the distinction of receiving the highest footfall of customers, with over a million consumers pouring in every month. Here's  a chance for retailers to maximize their potential by using Heritage In Store Marketing program to their advantage. Increase your brand visibility with display options and boost your sales.

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